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Grill model: 959-27
Genuine Broil King factory replacement parts

Hold mouse over image of part for part# and short description. Click part image for complete description, photos, and pricing.
All available parts for this model listed below.

(15) 10390-T501 Stainless steel burner and venturi assembly (5) 10571-6 Heat Indicator (3) 10081-BK630 Nameplate (12) 10225-T547 Swing Basket (9) 10225-T429 Cooking grid, Porcelain steel (10) 10222-T425 Stainless steel Flav-R-Wave heat plate (123) S15115 Disposable grease pan (22) 10111-K45 Hose and regulator, LP (51) 10711-R562 Left side shelf, no sideburner (56) 10892-8NG Wheel (56) 10892-8NG Wheel (21) 10440-D51 Control Assembly

Click image or part# below
for complete description and photos.

 3  10081-BK630 NAMEPLATE HI BROIL KING BLACK ZINC - more info and photos... $16.25   

 5  10571-6 Genuine OEM Heat indicator. About 2 3/8" wide and 2" high. The threaded stem is about 5 /16" diameter and 1 1/8" long. - more info and photos... $17.76   

 9  10225-T429 Genuine OEM cast iron cooking grid. Porcelain treated, flat matte finish. SOLD INDIVIDUALLY. Also replaces part# 1022 - more info and photos... $60.76   

10 10222-T425 Genuine OEM stainless steel Flav-R-Wave heat plate. Also replaces porcelain-steel part# 10222-T424, which has been dis - more info and photos... $49.60   

12 10225-T547 Genuine OEM warming rack (swing basket). - more info and photos... $38.41   

15 10390-T501 Genuine OEM stainless steel Infinity burner assembly. This burner assembly does not include the electrodes. Includes:*O - more info and photos... $74.30   

17 10342-21 Push button igniter. For single wire for grills with no side burner. Wires not included. Comes in black or grey as avail - more info and photos... $6.37   

18 10342-T301 Genuine OEM collector box and electrode assembly. Includes:*burner mounted box with mounting screw* ceramic electrode a - more info and photos... $10.95   

21 10440-D51 Genuine OEM Control assembly, NG 2V - more info... $39.70   

22 10111-K45 Genuine OEM NG gas hose. - more info and photos... $88.64   

51 10711-R562 Genuine OEM Side shelf, left side. - more info and photos... $51.63   

56 10892-8NG Genuine OEM 8" cart wheel with a 3/8" axel hole. Also replaces part# 10892-8, and 10892-8N which have been discontinued - more info and photos... $17.01   

123 S15115 Genuine OEM disposable grease pans. Package of 10. Each measures 4.75"x6"x1". - more info and photos... $15.13   

10225-T424 Stainless Steel cooking grid. 50% T45 - more info... $88.16   

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